Small Business Document Management System

Upload Important Documents

Upload and attach sales related documents such as approved invoice, payment advice or an internal marketing material into Second CRM, attached directly to the specific record in the system, instead of throwing files in an ocean of documents.

Upload important documents
Upload important documents

Upload Important Documents

Upload and attach sales related documents such as approved invoice, payment advice or an internal marketing material into Second CRM, attached directly to the specific record in the system, instead of throwing files in an ocean of documents.

Store and access documents in Cloud

Store and Access Documents in Cloud

Store all information in cloud, can even attach Google drive or One Drive with Second CRM for having common storage for your documents and easy reference in the future.

Share Centralized Sales Documents

Inbuilt document management helps sales and marketing teams to access important and often used presentations, product brochures, etc right within the CRM.

Share centralized sales documents
Share centralized sales documents

Share Centralized Sales Documents

Inbuilt document management helps sales and marketing teams to access important and often used presentations, product brochures, etc right within the CRM.

What our clients are saying

It’s been a pleasant journey with Second CRM for the past few years. The team is extremely helpful, especially providing customization, support and advice to meet our requirements. Big thumbs up to the team for the great service!

Jessica Tham

MedKlinn International Sdn Bhd

Second CRM is a great tool for us to manage our leads through the sales funnel, and track leads conversion. Their technical & support team is always ready to assist whenever needed too!

Ahmad Hazri Mohamed Ariz

Multimedia University (MMU)

The web based Second CRM provides a central platform which serves the needs of our sales & marketing teams among various countries. Their support team is very professional with timely responses to our queries.

Mr. Joseph Ong

All Measure Technology